Lab 1: The Artemis Board

The objective of this lab is to set up and become familiar with the Arduino IDE and the Artemis board. To become comfortable with programming the Artemis board, I will be using the board LED, reading/writing serial messages over USB, and use the onboard temperature sensor and pulse density microphone.

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Blinking the LED

The first task for this lab was to connect the Artemis board to the PC and upload the prewritten example code ("Blink") from the Arduino IDE library to the Artemis board to blink the LED light on the board. The following is a video of the LED blinking.

Printing to the serial monitor

The second task was to upload the example code from the Artemis library ("Example04_Serial") that tests if the Artemis can print to the serial monitor and also if data can be sent to the Artemis board via typing into the serial monitor. The following is a video of receiving data from the Artemis board and sending data to the Artemis board via the serial monitor.

Measuring Temperature

The third task was to run the example code Example02_AnalogRead to test that the temperature sensor on the Artemis board works. For this task, I had to tweak the code to print the temperature in Fahrenheit nicely. Here is the code:

In the following video, you can see that when I place my finger on the Artemis board, the temperature reading slowly rises from 77 to 89.

Detecting Frequency

The last task for this lab was to run the Example1_MicrophoneOutput code to test that the microphone on the Artemis board works. To test that it works, I whistled into the board and observed that the frequency went up.